So Indie It Hurts! (only joking)
Le Clothes.
crop top: boohoo
hat: boohoo
shirt: charity shop
jeans: ASOS
shoes: Dr marten dupes , Depop
Hello to anyone reading this. I haven't blogged in ages and
that sucks! Well actually i haven't been blogging consistently... but i have
been very busy with student finance and accommodation for uni and all that jazz
(if that excuses anything). Today i just thought i'd show you guys my typical
casual everyday looks for when i want to be lazy. These jeans are pretty much
my best friend- i wear them like 3 times a week (that's so sad aha) but i love
them! Okay so i said in a really old post that I’m not really into charity
shops BUT i think i am now a convert! I'm forever impressed with the bargains i
get whenever i do decide to enter a charity shop.
Any way guys i hope you're all having a fab summer holiday,
keep posted for some festival looks- i've been to wireless so far and my camera
died so i couldn't take any pics , however i will be doing a look/ different
looks for my other upcoming festivals if i get the chance ( so let’s pray for
good weather aha).
As always guys thanks for reading.
Have a sick summer.
P.S if you don't follow me on instagram its SSOLOMON_