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A colourful rainy day pick me up.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

A colourful rainy day pick me up.

By Sarah Solomon

so as most people in the UK are aware of, we were hit by the "great storm" of 2013. The worst we ever had...
can you sense the sacrcasm? aha.
Anyway the storm did manage to make the day dull and lifeless. This gorgeous and colourful dress from Zara immediately brightens up any day. paired with this red coat i got from Asos, and i got it for a steal (60% off :D). There you have it.A simple two piece (well not two piece) but you get it put together.

I cant remember how much the prices were but feel free to ask me on instagram where i'll have found out.

Hope you all have alovely day :*

For more outfits, feel free to follow me.
Instagram :SSOLOMON_