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A Slow Welcome For SPRING.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

springin' it ( a little)

 clothes from:

crop top: new look
jeans: ASOS 
boots: eBay
faux leather jacket: charity shop  

This is my personal welcome to spring.

Hello lovely readers, how are you all today ? 
It feels like i haven't posted an OOTD on my blog in ages ... maybe it's because i haven't :(. For that i'm really sorry about , since i'm currently in full time eduaction and i'm tryna get into uni and i have my part time job , it's a little hard to find time to do things i enjoy lately. However i am back with this OOTD. As the subheading mentions, it is my personal welcome to spring because i'm finding it a little hard to let go of my black clothing aha. Hence the lovely floral crop top from new look, which i think i got last summer for about £4.

I don't know if you guys are aware but i never really jumped on the charity shoping or thrifting hype, only because i think its takes a lot of patience to look and find any thing good. ALTHOUGH i was dragged into one 3 weeks ago and my twin sister actually found me this leather jacket! I'm not a huge fan of the studs because i feel it's too much of a grungey look , so i will be taking them out, however i couldn't believe they were selling it for £3!!!! :o . BARGAIN. 

And finally my booties! I'm 100% sure i have an eBay addiction. I can't stop buying things on there, and i get a weird thrill when i order from china especially and it arrives within days! I think i've built a connection with the chinese suppliers because whenever i order it only takes about 6 days to come!!!! woo. any way i do think they look better online than in reality , so i am a little disappointed , i don't feel these will be a daily kind of shoe thing. It was only £12 and free P+P, so i can't really complain.

Thank you guys for reading my blog, and don't forget to enter my giveaway in the last post.