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Gloomy Day Attire

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Never too much black.

Hi Guys, I say this all the time but welcome back to my page- I know it's been ages since my last post and all I can do is apologise and try to develop some consistency. Any way I hope everyone's okay and doing well. Today I dragged my butt out of bed (to do an essay) and thought why not do a blog post today! So I asked one of my flat mates to help me take some pics and he kindly said yaaaas! aha (thank God for nice house mates). 

Of course me being me I had to put some sort of black clothing on... duh? normally my post are very monochrome so black and white but i thought "huh, why not embrace the gloomy weather today?" so this is what I got... 

Thanks for stopping by guys, hope you all have a blessed week. 

oh before I go, I get too many questions about my hair and many people believe it or not in this day and age do not know what a weave is... yas I wear weaves sometimes and in these pics i'm wearing weave from Furijo Hair. It's run by a group of lovely fella's whom i'll be doing some work with. I will probably do a post sometime this week reviewing the hair and going into more details about. however if you're looking to purchase some i strongly recommend them. also you can us SARAH10 for so ££££ OFF. 

okay bye for real now x x 

bloopers aha 

Le Clothes: 
Cardi:mammas wordrobe
turtle neck: eBay 
trousers: ASOS 
Boots:  New look. 

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