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Sunday, 21 August 2016


We don't always get it right...

Hello Guys, so i was looking through my pictures and couldn't stop laughing at all my old photos and recent blog post fails, so i decided to share this with you. I know i cannot really depict what happened on the day to you but i do hope you enjoy looking at my bad pictures because i sure did aha. 

Most recently...
It was a little nerve-racking doing a shoot near the road because it was rammed with so many cars and obviously people kept looking at the v tasty camera that was shooting me. It's such a shame because i do like the outfit but it did nothing for my body.

Yes, i was sitting on a fence outside a house i shared with some err lovely people... :) again this was such a fail but i loved the outfit, for some reason i was just never big on the results and this little gem is still sitting in my drafts...

 Two years ago...
Shock, blonde is not my natural hair colour... aha yes, there was a time before i was blonde and used to rock my natural hair all the time (then i went really natural and now have a fro instead of chemically relaxed hair). Let's just thank God that my photography has come a long way...
 Harry Potter anyone? 
I have no words for this look...

 Hope you guys enjoyed looking at some of my blog fails, trust there's a lot more. Not every blogger is perfect and i cannot pretend to be so.

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LIFE TALKS: Happiness is a journey

Friday, 12 August 2016


*a little more insight into my mind, my life talks tend to be a reflection of my experiences, this is one of my little gems taken from my drafts which i'm finally ready to share*

Happiness is a continuous journey. Here's mine. 
Hello People! Welcome back to my long abandoned but dearly loved (by myself) space on the internet. With life moving so fast i haven't really had a chance to write... Okay so what happened? rewind to 1st January 2016, i set myself some resolutions (sad i know), some i have achieved and others not so much but i still have 6 more months- watch this space. So i want to talk about happiness today... 
With the new year blooming i wanted to grow as a person internally, i noticed that at uni i didn't really fit in any groups- kind of a floater which i have always been and before uni i was so content with this. However university is a giant bubble and is so easy to get sucked and even easier to feel lonely. After heavy reflection of my first year i realised that i had become dependant on others to provide happiness for me and this was not good! Basically my head space was heavily clouded by a lot of negativity... 
I was on a quest for happiness and self love! I started exercising more and distanced myself from certain people and had also made the conscious effort to meet people who i actually wanted to be around. Eventually i started to see the that the little changes i had made had actually made my outlook on life/university more positive. I decided to stop overthinking everything, stressing about things i cannot change and dropped people that drained me (i am actually very brutal when i let people go lol, i'm working on my tolerance). 
"You can chose to be happy" was a statement i hated hearing because i didn't understand that my happiness was entirely dependant on me. Even when i was annoyed at someone i didn't realise that really it was my reaction that made me unhappy. So what am i saying? Happiness is journey, its not a straight road but it's something that's definitely worth stepping out of your bubble for.  

  1. Decide to live your life for yourself
  2. Target the source of negativity, cut it out and make the various conscious effort (specific to yourself) to change.
  3. Understand that happiness is a choice. 

Thanks for readings 
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p.s. this post intentionally avoided the topic of depression. I cannot speak on what i do not know about. I have no intentions to offend anyone with my words. I am simply speaking on my personal journey. 


Monday, 1 August 2016


Hey guys, so I've been trying to post this look all week and i don't know what happened to blogger... lol. So i decided to just re-write the whole thing so it's fresh. 

I was feeling super fierce when i did this shoot (last week) and felt like i could do anything- literally. So i wanted to share some fierceness and encouragement with you guys today. Also, thank you so much for all the support this past month! It's great to be back blogging again. 
This is one of my fav poems by Countee Cullen
"Hey Black Child

Do you know who you are
Who you really are
Do you know you can be
What you want to be
If you try to be
What you can be

Hey Black Child
Do you know where you are going
Where you're really going
Do you know you can learn
What you want to learn
If you try to learn
What you can learn
Hey Black Child
Do you know you are strong
I mean really strong
Do you know you can do
What you want to do
If you try to do
What you can do
Hey Black Child
Be what you can be
Learn what you must learn
Do what you can do
And tomorrow your nation
Will be what you what it to be" 
Boots: Ego
Kimono: Thrifted
Bag: Thrifted
Sunglasses: eBay 
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