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Sunday, 21 August 2016


We don't always get it right...

Hello Guys, so i was looking through my pictures and couldn't stop laughing at all my old photos and recent blog post fails, so i decided to share this with you. I know i cannot really depict what happened on the day to you but i do hope you enjoy looking at my bad pictures because i sure did aha. 

Most recently...
It was a little nerve-racking doing a shoot near the road because it was rammed with so many cars and obviously people kept looking at the v tasty camera that was shooting me. It's such a shame because i do like the outfit but it did nothing for my body.

Yes, i was sitting on a fence outside a house i shared with some err lovely people... :) again this was such a fail but i loved the outfit, for some reason i was just never big on the results and this little gem is still sitting in my drafts...

 Two years ago...
Shock, blonde is not my natural hair colour... aha yes, there was a time before i was blonde and used to rock my natural hair all the time (then i went really natural and now have a fro instead of chemically relaxed hair). Let's just thank God that my photography has come a long way...
 Harry Potter anyone? 
I have no words for this look...

 Hope you guys enjoyed looking at some of my blog fails, trust there's a lot more. Not every blogger is perfect and i cannot pretend to be so.

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